Please read before making a bounty


Discussions should remain on topic. Make sure to read over our Community Guidelines. Please review the information below before creating a topic or posting a reply.

Rules for Requesters

  • Be respectful and understanding to the comments of other developers and users.

  • Be respectful in any other interaction originating from the cogboard.

  • You are not required to disclose any final payments, however letting prospective developers know what you are willing to spend in your topic can attract developers or indicate your seriousness.

  • Do not request for any sort of malicious code.

  • Do not ask for a developer to modify another developer’s code, cog, or source if the creator’s license disallows it. If the modifications are allowed under the license and the cog uses Config or other methods of data storage, the data must be separate from the original cog’s data to preserve the original cog author’s data structure, removing the burden of the original cog author for any implied potential support. You must also modify the info.json to note that it is a modification and add yourself to the author list. Modifications within the cog’s top-level docstring to show that it is a fork or not the original cog are also required. Please see the Suggestions section for an ideal practice for this situation.

  • Please check the approved cogs list to make sure your request is not a duplicate.

  • Please used the solved feature to indicate if a developer has successfully provided adequate service.

  • Do not ask for any requests that violate the Discord, Cog Board, or Red-DiscordBot Terms of Service. An example of the Red-DiscordBot Terms of Service could be, but is not limited to: asking for a way to remove license info from Red.

Rules for Developers

  • Be respectful to the ideas and thoughts of the requester.

  • Be respectful to other developers who may be seeking more information or a bid for services.

  • Be respectful in any other interaction originating from the cogboard.

  • You are not required to disclose any payment amounts.

  • Flag topics that are requesting malicious code.

  • We highly recommend that you create your own terms of service before committing to any work.

  • Do not take any requests that violate the Discord, Cog Board, or Red-DiscordBot Terms of Service. An example of the Red-DiscordBot Terms of Service could be, but is not limited to: providing a user with a way to remove license info from Red.


  • In the case of modifying existing cogs, start out by asking the original cog creator for modifications via their repo issues or other methods of communication they mention on their repo’s README. If the original cog creator agrees with you on adding the feature(s), this is a more preferential path to the Quality Assurance team than requesting modification via another developer.

  • Consider writing a follow-up post on the topic to rate your experience with the requester or developer.

Failure of Payment or Service

If a developer does not release the software under the terms they provided after payment has been issued by the requester, you may send a message to an administrator for an investigation. Likewise, if a requester has not paid you, the developer, for services rendered, please send an administrator a message.

We will conduct an investigation that may result in a ban or suspension from Cog Board. Cog Board is not responsible for any loss of funds, software, property, content, or lack thereof.

[HIRED] [PAID] Bad Touch Cog - $20
[PAID] Reaction TicketTool
[FREEBIE] EmbedMaker-like Cog
[CANCELLED] Giveaway cog
[PAID] Gateway/Events Cog [$50]
[PAID or FREE] Buttons Cog
[CANCELLED] Requesting a rewrite for a cog [Willing to pay]
[For Hire] Server-specific Moderation tools + General red-bot"s" managment
[HIRED] [150$ Bounty] Match Making Cog
[HIRED] [$50] OpenSea Cog
**Game Server Tracker (V3)**
[HIRED] Points system for entertainment
Welcome message that can mention a Role upon a new member arriving on the server
Global Ban
Lottery cog
[HIRED] Friend Codes!
[FREEBIE] TikTok Cog
Question of the Day Cog
[HIRED] Bounty for dating server
[CANCELLED] Transfer Levels/Stats, leveling cog?
[PAID] Away status role and message
Weekly Checks Cog [FREE]
$30 Sync user balance with external DB
[HIRED] Custom moderation/ban appeal module
Application form sustem
[HIRED] (Paying) Youtube auto post w/o streams
[FREEBIE] Clash of clan cog
[HIRED] Looking for something similar to "defenders" voteout command - Starting $50
[$10] Leaderboard function
[FREEBIE] I need this cog updated
Yunohost Integration Cog
[HIRED] [PAID or FREE] Crawl webpage CSS to get server status
[HIRED] Better reminder/timer cog
Tally tracker
[PAID] Emoji removal cog
[100 USD] Democracy Cog
DayZ Nitrado Gameserver Cogs
[PAID] [$30] Web game score tracker
Fully Customizable info command cog
Free please
[Price Negotiable] Karaoke Cog
[HIRED] [Paid] Updating Role Management to support 3.5
[PAID] [PAID] Voice Channel Monitor
General purpose DayZ Cog for console server owners
List role members cog/command
Need Bio/Account cog that lets me filter for values
Yandex image search cog
[HIRED] [$50] Among Us Matchmaking list
[HIRED] Chevereto api based automatic image uploader
Ludo board game cog
[HIRED] Active Role Cog
[HIRED] (Paying) Advanced Applications
[PAID] RoleChecker
[HIRED] Tally + count cog
[Free]Python to Red V3 Cog conversion request
[FREE] Timer Cog
[HIRED] RolePromotionChecker
Creature Slayer minigame
Custom Invite command
[FREEBIE] Get guild id from invite
Port v2 cog to v3 - calebj-cogs/serverquotes
[CANCELLED] [FREE] Add BFD support to dbltools
Discord to Google Sheet Integration
Game Key Lootbox Cog
[PAID] [$50] Birthday Cog
Utilizing Webhooks To Create Join And Leave Alerts
[PAID] Additional Dice Roller Options
[CANCELLED] Derpibooru
[HIRED] [PAID] [$50] Random outcome cog
Email Sending/Reciving
[HIRED] [PAID] Heist Helper Cog
Convert Recensor Regex to Retrigger
[PAID] [HIRED] Followers Cog
[HIRED] Original Generator of Entertainment for You
Clan advertising
Message_proxy port
[PAID] [PAID/FREE] InfoChannel member in voiceOptions
[CANCELLED] Looking to Hire Bot Devs
Dyno's AFK replacement
Image Magnification
League of Legends MOBAFire Build Extractor
Economy for voice activity
Roleplay economy system [Willing to Pay]
Birthday Cog
[HIRED] A bingo cog
Steam Community Forum Cog
Anarcho-syndicalist system
Premium Features
[HIRED] Search CPU parameters and compare two CPU's via passmark software website
Custom stock market
Alt detection feature with external website to check for IP's
[PAID] Birthday cog
Decreasing health cog
[FREE] YouTube Together Activity
[HIRED] [$70] XP Leveling System
Stream of the Day
Advanced Bot DM Communicator
Fixes and changes to a leveling cog
[CANCELLED] [FREEBIE] Anime Card Collecting Cog
[PAID] [Payment]Cog error fix/modification
[paid] Giveaway Cog and help command
[CANCELLED] Tiktok and Weverse notification. i pay $20 for tiktok and $15 for Weverse
[PAID] Cocktail cog from api
[Paid/Negotiable] Reddit Improved Preview/Re-post Cog
[HIRED] [PAID] $50 Dark Age API Fetch + Custom API POST feature
[$5+] Command to turn users .on and .off like notsobot
[$5] Modify SauriCogs' suggestion cog
[PAID][Modify/Update] Looking to Send Embeds to another channel w/ Sinbad's Repo
[CANCELLED] [HIRED] [Hired][PAID] v2 cog to v3
[HIRED] A cog that allows user to shorten a url using our website shortener api
A cog that shows online / offline ping status for a network of servers
[HIRED] $20 Multi server role sync
[PAID] Role Sync
[PAID] PC Part Picker Cog
Predictions Bot
[Paid] Issue creator
Uno cog
Invite Tracking
[PAID] [Paid] Custom Bot Dashboard
[HIRED] Voice Channel User Alerts
!PING module required
Modmail Cog like Fortnite has!
[HIRED] Matchmaking Cog
Random Image posting link w/collections
[FREE] Economy Embed
Manga panel fetch
Sorted Help Command
Twitch Clips Webhook/API
[Paid] [$5] voice generator bot
[HIRED] Google Calendar Events- $50
[HIRED] Will Pay - custom reaction commands
[$10USD] A Football / Soccer info cog
[$30+] Giveaway/Raffle Cog
SpeedRun LeaderBoard Monitor
[Paid] Activity role Assign
Tweets 10 minutes after stream start by twitch streamer
[PAID] GiveawayCog
Custom role/channel management system Bounties
[PAID] Custom status cog $8
[PAID] [Paying] React to my message with emoji
Word filter/censor cog
[CANCELLED] [PAID] Port V2 cog to V3
[FREE] Ticket Cog
[CANCELLED] Moderation Cog
Vlive notification cog $10
[PAID] Moderation statistics
[$15+] Message Tracking Leaderboard
Replication of Apollo Events Bot
Cog for Users to Make VC's
[PAID] Gacha Cog
Folding@home stats cog
[PAID] [PAID] [paid] $10 auto emoji react to photos in specific channels (have v2 cog that does same that may help/be portable)
[$10] Template Cog
Custom Commands
[PAID $20] Anti Spam Bot Join
[CANCELLED] Profile Account Cog (Similar to MalarneCogs Account Cog)
Instagram Cog
[PAID] [FREE/PAID $10/In games?] Custom DM on any message in whitelisted channel + role
[CANCELLED] Dungeons & Dragons Character Info
[PAID] [HIRED] [Paying $20] Vouch Bot
[HIRED] [$100] Scheduler cog that can detect last message
Soccer (Football) cog - live scores, team news, tables (ÂŁ negotiable)
[HIRED] [HIRING] Anti Grief Cog
Random response to command with tag or tag author if no tag provided
[Price Negotiable] Help with GW2 cog
Lottery Multi-Entry, not economy based
[CANCELLED] Announcment
Rust Game Server Status
[DONE] Ping Cog
[PAID] On_connect cog improvement
[FREEBIE] Game Deals COG
[PAID][HIRED] Show Discord ID
Custom Dashboard Cog
[HIRED] Need slash commands
[PAID] Guild id
Possible cog(s)
Expire warnings after a period of time
[HIRED] [PAID] Need cog that helps to schedule events
Application form system
[HIRED] [Freebie] Custom Embed Pages
Gancio Calendar event importer
[HIRED] Grinder donation cog integrated with my donation cog
Translating JS in Python: ability to change channel names based on activity
[HIRED] Fetch other programs/platform release patch notes and post into chat
Custom Ticketer Tool (PAID REQUEST)
Custom listcases command that is an embed and looks clean
[PAID] Gmail to discord
[HIRED] Custom Gamebanana Mod Search Tool for the Project Diva Megamix+ Community
[HIRED] Current time & statistics cog
[PAID] [$50+] Movie Ranking and Voting
[$50] Audio Cog and AutoRoom Features previously requested
Google Calendar Import
Shops Cog Commands support
[$100] Alerts when the first message of an account is sent
FiveM Server Tracker
[PAID] Parser
[HIRED] Events
Auto Role / Message
Port Custom Cog to V3
Profiles cog
[CANCELLED] Cog like leveup
[HIRED] Loan Cog
[HIRED] [Paid or Free] Uptime Kuma Cog
[PAID] Weverse notification cog . i pay $10 for this
Auto-muting when spam is detected
[PAID] [Paid] [$15] Anti AFK / AFK Swap
[PAID] [PAID] OpenSea acitivty cog
[PAID] [PAID - NEGOTIABLE] Ban limiter cog
[PAID] [$10] Add a small command to Malarne's Leveler Cog
[CANCELLED] Assign roles based on other roles
(Paying) Mod stats
[PAID] [HIRED] Configurable Welcome Cards - $30 Starting
[CANCELLED] Dashboard
Verification by Email