Custom role/channel management system Bounties

I have read and understand the Cogboard Bounty rules

Discord Username :

Payment Information (Optional) 50 USD

Description of Cog
Admin can setup which role can claim custom role/channel and can also setup with how many members role can be shared and how many members can be added in their custom channel
Role would always be created below the set role & channel will always be created in a defined category setup by admin
Channel Perms will be defined by admins during the setup process

Members can claim their custom role/channel.
Members can share the role/channel
Members can define the role/channel name and can edit at any point of time(cd can exist to avoid misuse of API)

More details can be shared via DM

V2 or V3

API’s or other information

Other info (Bounty, issues, ETC)

Discussing this with them in their dms.