[HIRED] Google Calendar Events- $50

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API’s or other information
Google Calendar

Description of Cog
[p]gcal add <calendarName> <calendarID>
[p]gcal delete <calendarName>
[p]gcal <calendarName> <optionalInteger>

Need a Google Calendar bot integration that pulls events from a Google Calendar based on it’s ID.

I assume that we’d need to set a google api key using [p]set api

[p]gcal add <calendarName> <calendarID>
Adds a calendar to be tracked.
calendarName is user provided.
calendarID is the ID in the URL of a Google Calendar, for example in https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=ZW4udXNhI2hvbGlkYXlAZ3JvdXAudi5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t, the string ZW4udXNhI2hvbGlkYXlAZ3JvdXAudi5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t is the calendarID.

[p]gcal delete <calendarName>
Removes this calendar from the database.

[p]gcal <calendarName> <optionalInteger>
Pulls the next (defaults to 5) events in the future.
Prints the output as

In X hours, X minutes, X seconds from now.

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I’d be willing to write this for you! I started writing this a while ago, but lost interest as I didn’t think it’d be used; however, I’d be more than happy to pick the project back up for you! I sent you a discord friend request where we can discuss whatever you’d like!

I use google calendar a lot. While I don’t know how I would use this at all, I can see this becoming even more expensive with all it’s features.