[FREEBIE] EmbedMaker-like Cog

I have read and understand the Cogboard Bounty rules

Bounty Request Format:

Discord Username: TwinShadow#0666

Payment Information (Optional): I will leave this at the discretion of the cog author.

Description of Cog:
With the exodus of Sinbad, many users will like a replacement for the embedmker cog that he provided. It would allow users to create richer embeds with fields, title, description, image thumbnail, icon, footer, etc… Input could be provided via valid YAML syntax or via file upload with a valid YAML text file.


API’s or other information:
None I’m aware.

Other info (Bounty, issues, ETC):
I’m not aware of any issues, however the important thing, at least for me, is the ability to upload and have it parse a YAML file from the upload.

A bonus would be allowing to store embeds perhaps with a name like in the original cog.

I’ve spoken with TwinShadow and decided to begin development of this on my public repo. Anyone who wishes to contribute may contact me via Discord or make a PR.

Just want to thank Phenom again here for the cog. Does basically everything the original embedmaker did and I find it a suitable replacement that can be used.