[CANCELLED] Transfer Levels/Stats, leveling cog?

I have read and understand the Cogboard Bounty rules

Bounty Request Format:

Discord Username:
Let me know your discord and ill add you

Payment Information (Optional):
Any PayPal or such just let me know

Description of Cog:
I need a cog that can transfer level information from activityrank to a red leveling cog.
I am willing to perhaps create a own leveling cog or use one already made by someone? We would need to see the possibilities.
But I would also need some additional features added such as voice xp tracking etc.

V2 or V3

API’s or other information

Other info (Bounty, issues, ETC)
Paid bounty

Hey Niko,

I would be interesting in discussing this bounty with you, leave me a message on discord my username is: zero1#6373
