[ x] I have read and understand the Cogboard Bounty rules
Bounty Request Format:
Discord Username: slaapkopamy#4202
Payment Information (Optional): 10 euros paypal
Description of Cog:
Basicly what the cog does is making manual embeds via discord text, like a converter.
I have the cog for v2 version but thanks to many api changes i have no clue how to convert it to v3 since I kinda quit development (private reasons).
It has only one command [p]embed
it will show all attributes what you can use in the embed for example [p]embed #channelname title=I'm a title | description=I'm a description
after that it will convert it to an embed.
There is no need to write a configuration file for it since it don’t save data. I tried to work with embedmaker from sinbad but i have no clue how that works, too many sub commands and pretty much no documentation. So i will love it if someone will convert this v2 cog to v3. If i’m sure it was a private written cog from a friend but since he quit the internet i have no way to contact him about it. complete nothing.
V2 or V3: As stated above is a converting from a V2 cog to V3.
API’s or other information:
I think there is no more information for API or other information.
Other info (Bounty, issues, ETC)