I have read and understand the Cogboard Bounty rules
Bounty Request Format:
Discord Username - Redragon#1918
Payment Information - PayPal
Description of Cog - Hi, this is my first post, so I apologise in advanced. I’m looking for assistance with bot made for the game Guild Wars 2. I saw a cog which is perfect for the things we (my Guild) wanted, however, I think it was built for V2, and we’re using V3. For those whom would like to have the Github for the original cog, this is it: https://github.com/Maselkov/GW2Bot-Red. He did update the cog very recently, however, it’s for “Toothy”, you can find the updated version if you click on his profile.
There is another Third Party Bot, called “Aleeva”, that is very similar to the cog, and offers everything we need, but I’m a bit of a Clean-Freak and would love to have everything in house. However, I feel like it’d be good to inform you of this, just in case it’s useful.
V2 or V3 - V3
API’s or other information - The bot requests game API’s, but I don’t think any other is needed.
Other info (Bounty, issues, ETC) - I know it’s (hopefully) just a simple conversion, but I really don’t want to underpay someone for their services, so I’ll leave it at price negotiable for the time being (please be merciful to my wallet).
(Permission to edit/change/convert has been checked on both of the files by Maselkov)
Thank you in advanced.