New Home for Repositories

We started doing applications for Red repositories a few months ago. We now have ten third-party content creators who have been approved through the new Red QA process. The goal of the cog creator program is to help provide our community with a better experience when it comes to installing cogs. Often times a cog may present security vulnerabilities, difficult navigation, or are simply broken. Sometimes this is so frustrating that a user may give up entirely. The QA process acts as a safety net to help catch these issues before public consumption. You are, of course, always welcome to download any cog you wish, but know that there are risks involved.

Moving forward, we want to display our list of approved cogs here on the Cog Board. Currently, Github issue #1398 has been the unofficial listing. We plan to phase that out, and Red’s support squad will soon be pointing users to #v3-repos. You can still submit and find unapproved repos by navigating to this hidden thread.

Finally, we haven’t not forgotten about Red Portal for V3. It’s still in the works, but it is not ready for the public at this time. More on this to follow. Thank you for your continued patience.