Unapproved Repositories


This thread contains repositories that have NOT gone through the Red approval process. The cogs here have not been tested and may be broken out of the box, open to security vulnerabilities, rate limiting your bot, data theft, or worse. Please proceed with extreme caution when installing any of these cogs. If you wish to have your repository approved head over to #apps and submit an application.

nntin-cogs: https://github.com/NNTin/nntin-cogs

Private Channels
Source code
Users who are in a voice channel have access to a temporary text channel thanks to a role. The first user has elevated privileges and can delete messages and rename the channels. When the voice channel is empty the associated text channel and role is deleted.

Source code
Inspired by napstr/icu. Rewritten in Python and optimized further.
napstr/icu is known in some bigger servers for how unforgiving it is for pinging @everyone. Once you attempt to ping @everyone you in actually ping a role called everyone while simultaneously being given the fake everyone role.
The functionality has been extended so you can give custom roles when you ping certain roles or users.

Source code
For each of the 4 state (online, idle, do not disturb and offline) you can get a role. You can also get the same role. You can also receive no role. (set, reset)
You can make giving out those roles default or you can disable that. (toggle default)
You can allow your server members to subscribe/unsubscribe to those status roles (subscribe, unsubscribe, toggle allow subscription)
You can add/remove individual server members to the list. The invoker of the command has to have the manage roles permission. (add, remove)
You can list all server members who are making use of the dynamic role (list members)

Reddit: (Development halted, will continue if someone wants this)
Source code
Shows the front page of a subreddit as an embed. With the extensive usage of format strings you could customize the appearance of your embed.
Started making it because all the other Reddit bots so far were similar in functionality that is repeatedly sending message. This does it a different by repeatedly editing the message. There was also a lack of customization, you were stuck with their formatting. I halted development because there isn’t a demand for it.

Don’t mind the other cogs in my repo. They are outdated or for personal usage.

2019-01-20 edit: added Presence
2019-01-27 edit: added Reddit

Sharing mine here until I get it developed enough to warrant submitting for approval

Discord Name: YamiKaitou#8975

GitHub Repository (Must be V3): https://github.com/yamikaitou/YamiCogs

Description: Random cogs created for a community I manage mostly. Ports of v2 cogs and Forks of v3 cogs may be included.

kill: Port of Paddo’s v2 version. Also includes a trout slap


Discord: flare#0001

|Forward|Forward all non-command messages to the bot owner.|
|ModMail|Forward all non-command messages to set channels.|
|Accounts|Allow users to list gaming/social media accounts.|
|Rainbow6|Uses a self hosted API to check account/operator stats. ** Font is inside the directory.|
|SA:MP|Query SACNR Monitor and retrieve basic stats.|
|CSGOSkins|Lookup csgoback prices of csgo skins/items and reveal lowest - highest price etc.|
|Overwatch|Uses a public API to check profile stats and hero stats.|
|Movies|Simple movie lookup.|

Not ready to apply for approval yet. Maybe someone else has a usecase for these. Sorry to everyone I just pinged with this by reviving the thread

Discord Name: Dav#6998

GitHub Repository (Must be V3): https://github.com/Dav-Git/Dav-Cogs

Description: Cogs created for a community I manage. Might be expanded with some bounties in the future.

Discord Name: Capitaine Predeactor#0495

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Predeactor/Predeactor-Cogs

As a description, this repo include some cogs that I made for peoples or myself. It is not suitable for approving at the moment but can be used by users.
Some cogs are taken from other repos. Credits are included in my repo.