
Discord Name: seasw.

GitHub Repository (Must be V3): Doesn’t have a GitHub repository, although I could set up a mirror from CoastalCommits if requested - Seaswimmer/SeaCogs: My assorted cogs for Red-DiscordBot. - CoastalCommits

Description: Here’s a list of the cogs in this repository at the time of this post and what they do:


This cog automatically deletes messages that contain polls, with a configurable per-guild role and channel whitelist and support for default Discord permissions (Manage Messages).
This was created back when polls were originally released, and before the Create Polls permission was added. It’s currently hidden on the repository, as it’s kind of useless now.


Replacement for Red’s core mod cogs - will eventually be able to import/export to/from Red’s core mod cogs, but for the time being cannot do so.
This cog is very much a work in progress, bear that in mind when reviewing - also, there’s a far more up-to-date version of Aurora on the aurora-pydantic branch, that hasn’t been merged yet.
The updated version of Aurora will be able to have other cogs hook into it to provide custom functionality, through the use of a moderation type registry.


Reimplements a lot of Downloader functionality in order to allow people to retrieve a list of repositories and cogs they have installed on their bot, and use that list to re-add repositories and reinstall cogs on another instance.


Uses the API.Bible service to retrieve Bible passages.


Allows users to retrieve information about both built-in discord emojis, and custom (guild) emojis.


Joke cog that wraps input text in "input" 🤓.


Uses the Pterodactyl API to manage game servers. Made primarily for Minecraft, but should technically work with any Pterodactyl egg. Features bidirectional chat forwarding, reporting when the server starts or stops, forwarding console logs to discord, running commands on the server, managing the server’s power actions, and more!


Just a small utility cog that contains a few commands I use on my own bots.