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Discord Username: dracmas#3921
Payment Information (Optional): Paypal ($200)
Description of Cog: KJV Bible verses lookup with support for adding notes to each verse seperately and the ability to search for words that are in the bible (string variable such as “In the beginning” would result in showing Genesis 1:1).
I want a bible lookup plugin with support for adding and displaying notes when looking up a bible verse/verses. Lastly a search command to search for string variable
so It can handle searching for multiple words. The books of the bible are in json format. Not opposed to another format, but don’t want to deal with mysql/mongo type databases.
Just text files that are easier to back up.
For example:
If I typed [p]bible John 1:1-16 it would display the verses in the KJV bible for John chapter 1 verses 1-16. If I had a note added to a verse it should display after each verse.
Previous/Next depending on how many verses requested.
Here’s how I imagine the notes as a subcommand.
[p]bible notes list/add/delete
[p]bible notes list - display all notes added. It wouldn’t display the notes themselves but just show the verses that have them.
list John - would display a list of verses that have notes for the book of john for example.
list john 1 - would display a list of verses that have notes for only the chapter in the book.
[p]bible notes add - adds a note to a specific verse.
[p]bible notes add Genesis 1:1 “This is when creation started.”
[p]bible notes delete - removes a note attached to a verse.
[p]bible notes delete Genesis 1:1 (would remove the note made for the verse)
So after all this for example without the note:
[p]bible john 3:16 (would return with the verse requested)
John 3:16 “verse here.”
[p]bible john 3:16-17 (would return with verses 16 and 17)
With notes already attached:
[p]bible john 3:16-17 (would return with the verses requested with notes)
John 3:16 “verse here.”
Notes: variable string here of note.
Lastly the search feature:
Will take a string of text and search the bible to find where it’s located so doing
[p]bible search “In the beginning”
would result in showing Genesis 1:1. If this string appeared in multiple verses it would show results with previous/next.
I know there is an unapproved cog in the repo that looks up bible verses, however I would like a self contained cog that doesn’t need to look up the verses online
but can do this using a kjvbible.json files.
I looked up on github and found a repository that has all the KJV books of the bible in json format here:
Here’s another github json that has a key in the repository. I would only need the KJV verson:
I’m just listing possible KJV bibles in json format that can be used for this project, not that it is the one that has to be used if the cog creator has another
text based format they would prefer over this. I want to avoid databases like mongo/mysql as I don’t use them.
V2 or V3: Redbot Version 3.5.1
API’s or other information: I don’t know.
Other info (Bounty, issues, ETC): Not sure. Can be contacted if there are issues.