Lootbox cogs

Discord Username

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Im not rich, but will pay

Description of Cog:
As a streamer i do giveaway… and i want a way to give Loot Box to the winner of the giveaway! so here what i would like to have…
those commands:
!givechests (Name of chest) (number of chest)

!chests @person (to see how much chest the person have and what kinds)

!createchests (name of chest) (object 1 x number x price, object 2 x number x price , object 3 x number x price, object 4 x number x price)
(for a total of 100% odds. Exemple: the Chest have 21 orange 1 diamond 78 Potato )
(no limit of item in the chest)

!openchests (name of chest) (number)

When someone one open a chest the bot would said

@person has opened (chest name) and won :
object 1 - price
Total Value: price of all object
Please contact a @admin to reclaim your item (or something like that)

if the person open more that 1 chest at the time same thing but:

@person has opened (chest name) and won :
object 1 - price of item
object 2 - price of item
object 3 - price of item
Total Value: price of all object
Please contact a @admin to reclaim your item (or something like that)

last thing, if it not to complicate
after the chest open put a text under or something that said Double up or stay with a 50% chance
like !double !stay or something like this! that all

if someone want to help me just contact me! :slight_smile:

V2 or V3: V2

I have picked this up and spoken with the author :+1:

Hey there,

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