Discord Username: saint ket#8649
Payment Information: $50 USD via Paypal
Description of Cog: Looking to modify Paddo’s last.fm cog (he’s stopped development and has said that all his cogs can be modified) in the following way:
Add a command to pull user’s last.fm chart images which are generated from http://tapmusic.net/lastfm/
The bot will grab the user’s stored last.fm username and then modify the tapmusic URL with their inputs (username, week/month/overall, size). Then it’ll grab the image off the resulting URL and post it (Example URL:
Such as:
.fmchart weekly 5x5
.fmchart overall 3x3
.fmchart monthly 5x5
.fmartistchart weekly 4x4
The response should look something like this: