Hello, I would like to give my experiences in the Red server.
So far my experience has been okay. When I first joined the server, I was new to the bot of course and I didn’t really test the boundaries. Knowing myself, I was cautious when asking certain questions while knowing the risks and when I received responses on those questions, they were nothing more but unhelpful and not straight answers. I understand that there are certain topics that you will not give support on based on the history of the same questions from less knowledgeable and responsible people and that’s okay for me. If I was told that the topic I’m asking about was unsupported and/or I will not receive support on said topic, the direction of the conversation and attitude would’ve been completely opposite than what occurred and I would’ve moved on my way. Unfortunately I don’t receive those type of straight answers and I wish that changed. There’s only two people in the entire server who’s been genuinely helpful to me are YamiKaitou#8975 & Darius#9947. I get straight answers from them and they don’t bs me like everyone else does. They don’t treat everyone the same based on their experience and that is something I appreciate and should be happening more.
I’m not here to bash on anyone nor continue my rant from the server. I am only here to give my experience, what I have received, and what I think should change in terms of support. This isn’t about how much experience I have or other people have, its just the approach and when you change your approach to be nicer or more upfront with your responses, you’ll see returning users. If a user has a bad experience with support on an issue they think is a simple response, its likely they won’t return. This is just speculation has I don’t have specific experience for this specific subject.
I hope I didn’t come across as rude or disrespectful in this post however these are just my thoughts and its your reaction that determines the outcome.
Thank you.