Discord Username
Payment Information (Optional)
Willing to pay if needed but I have a limited budget for this. Ask me privately about my max budget before you take my request
Description of Cog
Command Stats cog.
Basically, similar to chatchart by @aikaterna, it fetch recent (customisable range) commands used and present them in a graph/chart for statistical purposes.
V2 or V3
If possible both. If not, V3
API’s or other information
The cog must be open source and uses free or open source libraries (no commercial libs, a.k.a. paid API or libs). No DRM. No obfuscated codes.
Other info (Bounty, issues, ETC)
At the moment, I couldn’t find any cog that does this despite I know that someone showed me a V2 cog that does this long ago. If you do know an already released cog that does this, please let me know and I will pull this request.