Looking to have a cog created to access Ark servers via RCON. specifically for cross-chat and sending commands. I can give a full list of all features if anyone is interested as well as provide the source code for the current crosschat program i use if that helps. Price is negotiable depending on what the bounty taker is capable of doing. i’m willing to pay for a high quality cog with the features i need.
Feel free to message me on Discord: Vertyco#0117
Example Features Needed
~~Crosschat with discord
~~Separate global chats into their own channel
~~Timed commands
~~log channel that lists all players on a time interval with their character name, gamertag, and gamertag ID
Some rcon commands
- BanPlayer - Add the specified player to the server’s banned list.
- Broadcast - Broadcast a message to all players on the server.
- DestroyWildDinos - Destroys all untamed creatures on the map. Useful for helping newly-released creatures to spawn.
- DoExit - Shuts down the server as soon as possible. quantity and with the specified quality.
- ListPlayers - List all connected players and their Steam IDs.
- RenamePlayer - Renames the player specified by their in-game string name.
- RenameTribe - Renames the tribe specified by it’s string name.
- SaveWorld - Forces the server to save the game world to disk in its current state.
- SetMessageOfTheDay - Sets the server’s ‘message of the day’, displayed to players when they connect to it.
- SetTimeOfDay - Sets the game world’s time of day to the specified time.
- ShowMessageOfTheDay - Displays the message of the day.
- UnBanPlayer - Remove the specified player from the server’s banned list.
Needed for V3 of Red