Bump schedule

Bounty Request Format:

Discord Username
Payment Information (Optional)

Description of Cog
We all use bump bots.
It would be nice to set a bump schedule per bot.
The reminder is set to either dm and/or channel output.
Input the length of time between bumps so we can do the bump manually since we arent allowed to bump with bots.
V2 or V3
API’s or other information

Other info (Bounty, issues, ETC)

Hey there,

We’re closing any bounties that have gone unclaimed for over 60 days. If you feel like this is an error, or are still interested in this bounty. Please flag this post with the Something Else category and state if you believe if this was a mistake, or if you’re still interested in this bounty.

Additional notes: You can schedule reminders with Sinbad’s Scheduler cog.