Ban Sync [$5.00]

Discord Username fs0c131y#6296

Payment Information USD$5.00 Bitcoin or Paypal

Description of Cog: I have 2 discord servers and if i ban on one, i wish for it sync over to my other server so a banned user cannot access both servers. I would also like to ban based on user ID regardless if they are in the server or not

I would like this cog to not be public

API’s or other information


I may want to make this cog for you, however, I have the following:

  • The cog must be publicly visible, either on my main repository (Predeactor-Cogs) or bounty repository (Predeactor-Bounties-Cogs, actually private or deleted iirc).
  • If you’re agreeing the following, I will gently decline any kind of payment.

And just wondering, why would you like the cog to be private?

If you want to contact me on Discord, my name is Capitaine Predeactor#0495.

The user decided to unfriend me (Which was the only way to contact me) after talking, I let the bounty for someone else.

I’d be more than happy to take your bounty! I see you’re not accepting friend requests at the moment, so I’ll let you contact me at Aradia Megido#2552.