[APPROVED] FalcomBot Cogs

Discord Name:

GitHub Repository (Must be V3):

Useful utilities I designed for Falcom discord but should be usable by others.

Thanks for your submission Ribose! I have taken a look at your repository and I found only a few minor discrepancies. Overall, you did a very good job and I didn’t have any trouble reading your code. I have detailed a list of changes before approval. When you are finished making changes or if you have any questions please let me know.

Repo Level

  • Missing “install_msg” key in the repo’s info.json file


Info.json is missing install_msg and name keys.
roll command has a name conflict with Red’s core cog general.


Info.json is missing install_msg and name keys.


Info.json is missing install_msg and name keys.


Info.json is missing install_msg and name keys.


Info.json is missing install_msg and name keys.

I’ll go fix those up, then. Maybe I’ll go with [p]rolldice or something.

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I’ve completed the listed updates. Hopefully this is sufficient, and thank you for reviewing!

I would like to also note that I didn’t find the “name” field documented in the top part of the documentation on info.json. I do see it further down. This is also the most obtuse part of the process. I had to look at other existing repositories to know what kind of content was common, for example in “install_msg” fields.

You are right about the documentation for info.json. It hasn’t been updated to follow all the changes made to the bot, and as a result has made that part of the process a bit arcane. I’ll get with the rest of QA, and see if we can’t make a PR to have that section of the docs reflect the requirements. Thank you for the feedback!

Based on the changes you made, your repo is all set. I’m approving your application.